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Landscape Oils & Prints

Order Original Paintings on Canvas & Prints from the Artist            

2022-04-10 14 15 11 - Carol & Darrell Mulvihill - IMG_4394.jpg
2022-04-10 14 45 34 - Carol & Darrell Mulvihill - IMG_4222.jpg
Big Bear Homestead.jpg
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Jo Salzer

“WOWZER! You are amazing”



MulviArt   Testimonials

Add your testimonial here by using the contact MulviArt form below!

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Debra Sarkisian

Oh we were so fortunate that Carol agreed to create a painting for us, which will be in our family forever



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Beth Wheat

Your work has such strength to it, just like you. Beauty and strength



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Andrea Raft

​“Wonderful so full of energy, your work is amazing”



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Mike Daymon

Your work is amazing Carol, love the bits of light among the shrubs and the distant rainfall



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Lois Ford

I’m running out of words all of your paintings are fabulous



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Lynne Brady

Your paintings are reminding me of the paintings by the masters, well done



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Holly Elmer

I do so love your work Carol the colors, shadings, vibrancy and your clouds with the rain coming in the distance….wow



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Dena Russo

Your paintings, live on canvas and you can almost hear the water flowing and the wind blowing



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